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    China's food supply chain industry
    Added:2022-12-06     Views:    


    In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the e-sports industry, the public's recognition of the e-sports industry has gradually improved, and China's e-sports industry has ushered in a good development environment. The local government has also introduced relevant policies to promote the development of the commercial industry of China's E-sports anchor. Today, let's talk about the commercial industry of China's E-sports anchor.

    Definition of China's food supply chain industry

    The food supply chain industry is a whole composed of economic interest subjects from primary producers to consumers. It links upstream suppliers (producers, manufacturers) and downstream commercial customers (restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, etc.), and promotes the delivery of food.

    Major downstream customers in China's food supply chain industry

    The main downstream customers in the food supply chain industry include the catering industry and retail industry

    The catering industry refers to the commercial activities that provide consumers with prefabricated food, consumption places and related facilities through production and processing, commercial sales and service labor. The catering industry includes different links such as food raw material supply, food processing and cooking, food sales and services. The main participants include food processing plants, wholesalers and retailers in the raw material supply link, restaurants and group meal service operators in the food processing, food sales and services link, etc.

    Retail industry refers to the commodity sales industry that directly sells the products produced by industrial and agricultural producers to residents for living consumption or to social groups for public consumption expenses through sales. Retail service refers to the value-added services that retail service providers provide to the retail chain in all aspects of retail to promote the circulation of goods. Retail services include marketing, trading, payment, logistics, technology empowerment and operation support.

    According to the Classification of Retail Business Forms issued by the Ministry of Commerce in 2004, according to the structural characteristics of retail stores, according to their business mode, commodity structure, service functions, location, business circle, scale, store facilities, target customers, and whether there is a fixed business place, retail business is divided into two categories: physical retail business and non store retail business, specifically subdivided into grocery stores, convenience stores, discount stores, supermarkets, warehousing member stores There are 17 types of business, including department stores, professional stores, exclusive stores, shopping centers, factory direct sales centers, TV shopping, mail order, online stores, automated kiosks, and telephone shopping.

    Main types of food in China's food supply chain

    The main types of food include: fresh food, packaged food, beverages, cereals and cereal products, edible oil, etc.

    China Food Supply Chain Industry Chain

    With the continuous maturity of the supply side and the increasing demand of the demand side, one-stop integrated supply chain service providers came into being. Compared with developed countries, fresh food in China is still mainly transported at room temperature, and cold chain transportation has a huge growth space.

    China's food supply chain market size

    The catering market grew rapidly from 2016 to 2019, consistent with the growth of the Chinese catering market. The market size of the catering industry increased from 1352 billion yuan in 2016 to 1891 billion yuan in 2019. In 2020, due to the COVID-19, most restaurants will be temporarily closed, resulting in a sharp decline in the catering industry. The scale of the catering market will decline to 1656 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 3810 billion yuan in 2026.

    The overall scale of China's food supply chain market has reached 9 trillion, of which the retail industry is the main downstream customer industry, accounting for more than 80%. At the same time, it has maintained a steady growth rate in the past few years, and is expected to maintain a stable growth rate in the future driven by the supply side and the demand side.

    Semi finished products and fresh food are the main types of food in China's food supply chain market, accounting for more than 80% of the total. Among them, semi finished products have shown a faster growth rate in the past few years

    Key drivers of China's food supply chain industry

    China's per capita disposable income and per capita expenditure on fresh food have increased year after year. According to the requirements issued by the State Council, the per capita consumption of fresh food will reach 299kg in 2020, an increase of 34% over 2010. At the same time, China has a huge consumer group with the city as the axis, which provides the most basic demand and power for fresh agricultural products.

    With the rapid economic development today, with the upgrading of consumption, individual consumers pay more attention to the quality of food, especially fresh food. If consumers buy food through different vendors, the quality of their food cannot be guaranteed, so a mature supply chain system can effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency.

    Cold chain logistics is gradually mature. Cold chain logistics refers to a logistics system that controls the environment with specific temperature and humidity in processing, transportation, storage, distribution and other logistics links, so as to ensure product quality safety and reduce loss. The technical requirements for transportation tools, packaging, maintenance technology, information monitoring, etc. of fresh agricultural products are much higher than those for the transportation of ordinary goods. Especially the high value-added fruits and vegetables, aquatic meat and poultry that need cold chain circulation, so their transportation and distribution technology system requirements are more stringent. The growing market size of China's food cold chain industry, the number of refrigerated trucks and the gradually mature cold chain logistics perfectly meet the huge demand of consumers for fresh food, and are the core driving force for the development of the fresh supply chain in the future.

    Future development trend of China's food supply chain industry

    With the steady development and industrial upgrading of China's food supply chain industry, the industry will also develop towards the direction of industrial chain integration, industrial park mode, digital landing and intelligent management combining software and hardware.

    Industrial chain integration

    The food supply chain industry covers many industrial chain links such as raw material processing and production, central kitchen, semi-finished product processing, food logistics and warehousing. Through cross business operation, food supply chain enterprises can reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote the overall efficiency of the industry.

    In the future, as the industry matures, the leading enterprises will expand their core businesses and achieve integrated development.

    The rise of industrial park model

    With the gradual development and maturity of the industry, the business scale of leading food supply chain enterprises continues to expand.

    In order to improve the overall business planning ability, the establishment of a food supply chain industrial park covering multiple business links, with both logistics bases and food safety related data centers will help enterprises achieve multi business collaboration, and more effectively implement the control of food safety and quality.

    Digital landing

    In recent years, with the accelerated application of digital technology, the food supply chain industry has initially entered the digital stage, and the frequent occurrence of food pollution incidents has also promoted the industry to promote digitalization to ensure consumer health

    Food supply chain enterprises will gradually build traceability ecology covering all links: from agricultural operation records in production, tracking of picking, processing, packaging and other processes in processing, monitoring of transportation and distribution, to product traceability applications in sales.

    Intelligent management combining software and hardware

    In the future, with the intensive development of industry production and the improvement of efficiency, food supply chain enterprises can equip food safety monitoring equipment, intelligent settlement equipment and other intelligent hardware equipment in the four major links of production, processing, distribution and sales, and build a data processing system to connect all links. Through the combination of software and hardware, food supply chain enterprises will conduct data collection, data analysis Data enabling enables all-round intelligent management.

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